Posts Tagged ‘Colors’

article-0-19E5723E000005DC-50_634x797For the rest of this month, we will be going over some costume ideas that you can create at home using products found on

Mystique, or Rayven Darkholme (which is her civilian name) is a very popular character from Marvel’s X-Men universe, and a great choice for a liquid latex costume.

For this costume, this is the order from

  • 2 x 16 oz. Metallic Blue liquid latex – This is enough to paint the costume on an average person.
  • 16 oz. Base coat white – Using 2-3 layers of white basecoat latex will neutralize your natural skintone and make your   color truer.
  • 4 oz. Black – You can use this to add dimension to the paint job, or darken your Metallic Blue.
  • The Prep, Clean and Finish Kit:
    Body Prep
    – Rub this into your skin and allow to dry before applying your first coat of latex, this will make removal later much easier, and make the application smoother as well.
    Finish Spray – Must have! The website FAQs are absolutely correct.  Spraying on the fnishing spray as the last coat removed all the tackiness from the latex. Without it, the latex sticks to itself.
    Body Clean – Highly recommend this too!  At the end of the night, it instantly helped remove any latex that was caught in the hairline or on arm hair. Water is not used with this product, just rub into the latex and it will beging to dissolve after 20 seconds or so. Water seizes this process so do not take a shower until you have dissolved all the latex from your skin.

Liquid latex application tips:

  • Allow each coat to dry before the next, spend as little or as much time as you want on your masterpiece.
  • You should only need 2-3 layers of blue if you use the base coat.  Since the latex is translucent, your skin color will show through if you don’t put on enough base coat.
  • Armpits are challenging. Once you do your armpits, you can’t put your arms down until you’ve applied the finish Spray. Without the spray, the latex will stick to itself and will start ripping once you lift your arms. So do them one at a time, and once they are dry spray them with the finish spray.
  • Most latex is not safe for your face because it contains ammonia, this is not the case with our formulation. It is ammonia free and FDA approved.
  • The latex will shrink and feel snug, but you will still be able to perspire and it will not clog your pores.
  • Latex will come off quickly when you are ready, most of it can just be rolled at the edges and pulled away from the skin, for any stubborn areas apply the body clean serum and rub in until latex dissolves.

So have fun trying this at home, and send us your pictures! We want to see what you can come up with. is the most trusted source for the best Liquid Latex Body Paint online. We offer over 30 standard colors including metallic and glow in the dark fluorescent colors and have the ability to match any color you need.
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Wonder Woman and Captain AmericaWhen creating a new design or costume, it’s important to keep in mind what colors you’ll need to create your pallet. At Liquid Latex Fashions, our colors can be mixed together at home to create custom shades.

For instance, yes, The Hulk is green, but did you know there’s more yellow to his signature shade of green? Mystique (A.K.A. Raven Darkholme) from X-Men is blue, but there’s also some black added, and a little bit of red. There are subtle combinations to even the most basic seeming character’s colors, and if you take a little time, and really examine the color scheme, you’ll find that the end results will be fantastic.

Another quality of the color to take into account is the finish, not only do we have sold colors, and neon brights, and black light sensitive fluorescent colors, but we also sell pearl and metallic finishes, which can really add dimension to your costume.

Glitter or Stardust is also another option to add an additional element to your costume or outfit. is the most trusted source for the best Liquid Latex Body Paint online. We offer over 30 standard colors including metallic and glow in the dark fluorescent colors and have the ability to match any color you need.

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